Our Vision

PACTL’S Vision is to serve as the transformative catalyst and community voice for unifying the diverse interests of youth, parents and professionals to shape social policy and put collective wisdom into action.

Our Mission

PACTL’s Mission is to reweave the social fabric of diverse communities to help residents become active participants in their health and education through activities and services that build the capacity for youth, parents and professionals.


Our principles are our foundation for organizing:
  • We have an approach that includes Appreciative Inquiry and other inclusive engagement approaches.
  • We have an inclusive approach to fundraising: We invite our community to be contributors.
  • Our leadership is based on the Servant Leadership model.
  • We see ourselves as care-takers and value reciprocity and mutual benefits that are generated.
  • We model a different way of engagement: Action-engagement with measurable and sustainable results.
  • We choose to explore alternatives instead of complaints
  • We support the manifestation of the innate potential of every individual.
  • We work as memory and consciousness awakeners: We are here to help you remember who you are and what you already have.
  • We embody a paradigm of abundance.
  • We recognize the greatness of every individual as contributors and agents of change.
The Coalition uses innovative, 
inclusive and engaging methodology.