
  • Advocacy support for youth and families
  • Adult Education Plaza Runawasi (Literacy, Primary and Secondary)
  • Covid Prevention, and Vaccine Education
  • Family Life Education-Youth (Parents as Teachers ) Court Approved
  • ESL Classes 4 times a week with Pasadena City College Instructors
  • Emergency Payments for Families Needing Support
  • Immigration Support Pre-Screening for DACA
  • Home Visitation Program
  • Tenant Rights and Advocacy
  • Weekly food pantry
  • Poverty Alleviation (Micro-enterprise Small Business)
  • Health and Mental Wellness (integrated approach)
    • Family Walks Together
    • Peer to Peer Parents, Fathers
    • Self Help Groups (Spanish) ALANON   ALATEEN


  • Ignite Youth (violence prevention, (Disrupting the Prison to School Pipeline) Youth Leadership
  • Partnering with the Police Dept. to create cross-cultural bridges
  • After school Art classes
  • Dungeons and Dragons (academic coaching through games)
“Know your Rights classes at Pasadena Unified School District Schools”


  • Free brand-new Shoes and uniforms for children (5 years to 18) and Youth
  • Saturday Academy (support for elementary school children to reach grade level reading and math) parents also attend the class to learn how to support their children


  • Biennial Educational Summit(October )
  • Biennial “Unity in Diversity” Honoring Community Heroes
  • Child-Welfare Roundtables (quarterly)